
Showing posts from November, 2013

How can I help you today?

I got to church this morning (I work at an Anglican church in London) and was just about to have my morning coffee before work when a colleague asked me if I can join him in praying with a person who wants prayer.  I agreed.  Obviously.  That's what good Christians do, isn't it? This man's story, which I will not share, made me wonder what exactly it is that "good Christian people" should do.  I can't remember many times in my life where I've felt so helpless and wordless.  I knew what and in Whom I believe, but there were no words to convey my beliefs to this man in dire need.  I also didn't have the physical means to help him out of the trouble he is/was in.  I was only able to pray for him. Two things jump to mind when I think about this episode. Firstly, I was reminded that prayer is not a consolation prize to people we don't want to, or are able to, help.  Prayer is a powerful thing;  not because of who is praying, but because of W...