The Faith Of An Empty Hand
When I was younger and, dare I say it, more naïve, I was part of many ministry teams and outreach groups. On one of these teams we did a spiritual gifts test, almost like a personality test, but for spiritual gifts. Faith (the ability to remember God's promises and to hold on to His Word amidst circumstantial difficulty) was one of my top ones. Since then my faith has been tested and have come up short, often. Now, facing overwhelming odds with no physical or material answers to very real questions, my faith is tested again. I don't know where the money and resources for all I believe God is calling me into will come from, which in itself makes me wonder whether God really is calling me into these things. I don't have enough faith, it seems. Not anymore. Almost like the man we read about in Mark 8:22-26. He was blind. By all accounts it was his friends who brought him to Jesus and asked Jesus to heal him. This man seems oddly quiet in the presence of Jesus, the one Person...