Just stay a little longer
A while ago I worked on a set of devotions looking at different people Jesus met during His time on earth. A fascinating exercise. Jesus interacting with different people in varying contexts, as told by His friends and followers. It is very revealing. It shows us not only the immense power of God in human form, but also His humanity and his intricate and intimate knowledge of those He deals with. All done in love. One of the more famous episodes takes place just after dawn in the sandy temple courts in a crowd of onlookers. The role players: Jesus, the Pharisees and teachers of the law (the religious elite), and a woman caught in adultery. You can read the account in John 8:1-11. Most of the time we focus on the interaction between Jesus and the woman. It's a beautiful story of grace, redemption, safety and transformation. But recently I started wondering what the religious elite (let's call them The Squad) must have been going through. They were right to bring the adulterous ...