Who's knocking?

There's a great story of a very successful business man who came to know Christ as his Saviour.  This man did not grow up in a Christian environment at all, but was touched by God's love for him and invited Jesus into his life.  Being a new believer, he was encouraged by the person who brought him to Christ to do Bible study and to pray often.  The man's humble prayer, with tears in his eyes, was: "Dear Lord.  I have very important meetings in my diary for tomorrow, but I'll schedule an hour on Friday morning.  I can't wait to tell you about my day."

What an amazingly sincere prayer!  A business man who only knows the world of schedules, meetings and the importance of time creates space to meet and spend time with his Saviour.  Can you sense this man's excitement as he looks forward to being close to Jesus?

I've been a Christian for many years now and I must admit that I've lost the wonder, anticipation and "can't-wait-to-tell-You-about-my-day"-ness on my journey through life.  Sometimes because of my own laziness, sometimes because of life's pressures, sometimes because I'm afraid of being let down.  I know that Christ will never let us down, but still this gnawing doubt creeps in every once in a while.

This made me think of the picture in Revelation 3:20 of Jesus, standing at the door, knocking.  If you've opened your heart's door to Him and invited Him in to restore, renew, rebuild your life with love, grace, forgiveness and power, you're part of a whole host of people around the world that calls themselves Christ-followers.

However, sometimes I get the sense that, although Jesus entered when I opened the door and made Himself comfortable in my heart, I'm still standing at the door afraid and ashamed.  It is at those times that I need to remind myself that Jesus already has the kettle boiling, biscuits on the tray, ready to spend time with me.  I sometimes get the sense that as I'm standing at the door, afraid to approach the Holy King of all kings, He is gently tapping me on the shoulder, inviting me into my own heart's living room, wanting to spend time with Him...

He didn't come for my house, He came for me.


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