What is the bravest thing you've done today?

What is the bravest thing you've done today? Bravery and courage can take on many forms. What might be extremely brave for one person may be a regular, everyday thing for someone else. The fundamentals of bravery and courage, though, remains the same: going on in spite of danger or pain. Here it is important to recognise that courage is not the absence of fear, but rather doing what needs to be done, or going where one needs to go in spite of fear. So... what is the bravest thing you've done today? My four-year-old daughter got a bicycle for her birthday three weeks ago. She loves it. It has become her preferred mode of transport to nursery and back whenever the opportunity affords itself. It's amazing to see her, slightly out of her comfort zone, relishing the sense of possibility and freedom that riding a bicycle gives. I miss feeling that sense of freedom and adventure, but seeing her going for it is a blessing in itself. However, it's not always a smooth ri...