One thing will never change
I started making sourdough bread in 2020. This was basically because of a shortage in baker's yeast and boredom being confined to quarters for a long time, but only after I was able to get some flour. I'm sure many people would have experienced this for themselves.
I had a lot of great plans and ideas, but sourdough wasn't one of them. I had other goals that I wanted to work towards, but didn't. There were some things that, all of a sudden, were of greater importance than what I wanted or planned. There were things that was lost completely - things I thought was an absolute necessity, but turned out to be things I can do without. Friends passed away and I was unable to say goodbye, grieving from a distance. Some people left and it didn't seem right. Issues were raised that I would have preferred to ignore a little longer from the comfort of my perfectly planned future. Things changed unexpectedly - my work, my daily/weekly/monthly pattern, my wasteline. Again I suspect many may have experience one or more of these for themselves.
A lot of things changed over the last year for many people. A lot of things change over the space of any given 12-month period anyway. This time next year we'll probably look back on 2021 and reflect on the massive changes we experienced again, even if it was a 'better' year than 2020 was.
One thing I trust will be the same is that we'll still be able to testify to God's goodness and faithfulness. And I am quite certain that we'll be able to do so, because God doesn't change. We do. Our circumstances might. Our relationships, our plans and priorities most certainly will, but God doesn't.
For 2021 I pray that you will know the true God. Not some cheap second-hand knock-off someone sells on the internet, but the real God we can experience for ourselves wherever we are. My prayer is that you will taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8) in 2021.
Photo by Aleks Marinkovic on Unsplash
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