Straight Paths
Do you think you've changed in the last couple of years? I certainly have. My physical appearance has significantly changed (hair colour, hairline, wrinkles, etc.) which is an inevitable sign of the beautiful blessing of living and aging, albeit one that can sometimes be embarrassing or unwanted. I see myself in photos taken in my 20's and I wonder how such a big change happened without me noticing... Mentally I've changed as well: the wonderful school of experience we all attend, whether we want to or not. I've realised that I think differently about things now than I did in my 20's. Which is often good, because I was an idiot in my 20's. Now I'm just an older idiot with more experience, I guess. Being a husband and a father makes me think differently about risk and danger. And income. And health. And what is most important. It also makes me think more about the future. Or rather how the present - and the decisions I make in the present - will influence the...