Straight Paths
Do you think you've changed in the last couple of years? I certainly have. My physical appearance has significantly changed (hair colour, hairline, wrinkles, etc.) which is an inevitable sign of the beautiful blessing of living and aging, albeit one that can sometimes be embarrassing or unwanted. I see myself in photos taken in my 20's and I wonder how such a big change happened without me noticing...
Mentally I've changed as well: the wonderful school of experience we all attend, whether we want to or not. I've realised that I think differently about things now than I did in my 20's. Which is often good, because I was an idiot in my 20's. Now I'm just an older idiot with more experience, I guess. Being a husband and a father makes me think differently about risk and danger. And income. And health. And what is most important.
It also makes me think more about the future. Or rather how the present - and the decisions I make in the present - will influence the future for myself and my family. I am certainly more cautious now than I was in my 20's. Maybe it is because of experiences that taught me to be more mindful - even afraid - of consequences. Maybe it is because, as I grow older, I long for comfort more than adventure. Maybe I have always been a cowardly person and am only realising it now, which makes me a bigger idiot than my 20-year-old version. I would very much like to have a real sense of certainty before making decisions. I would like some assurances that I will succeed before trying. If I don't know, I won't decide, and I won't do anyting. I want to see the straight paths, the comfort of knowing what the future holds, before taking the next step.
Unfortunately the future I'm working towards is not necessarily going to be comfortable. At least not if my life follows the same pattern I see in the Bible. Gideon was told to get only 300 men together before he won the battle (Judges 7:7). The Israelite priests were told to go into the river before the waters parted (Joshua 3:8). It seems that the faith heroes in the Bible all had to step out before they succeeded.
In Proverbs 3:5-6 it says that we should put our trust in the Lord before He will make our paths straight. Annoying, I know. Faith comes first. Or it needs to if we want to achieve anything of value for the Lord. C.S. Lewis summed it up nicely:
"If you want a religion to make you feel comfortable, I certainly don't recommend Christianity."
But what is faith? Hebrews 11:1-2 says this:
"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for."
I hope we all have the faith to put our trust in the Lord as we walk with Him. I hope that the uncertainty about what lies around the bend will not stop you from travelling on, but will make you look more closely to the One travelling with you. Jesus Christ. The One who called us into relationship with Him and with our neighbour, and the One who knows the way. And when our faith and courage fail us, may our songs echo the words of the man who came to Jesus (Mark 9:24) "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"
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