Calling? What calling?

Have you figured out what the one thing is that makes you you ? There are so many things we (humans) have in common, but what is the one thing that makes you uniquely you ? I suppose a good way to rephrase that question is: Who are you? Or maybe: Who are you meant to be? I wonder whether answering that question might get easier - because, let's face it, it's a really tough question to answer - if we know what our reason for being alive is. To phrase it slightly differently: What is the one thing that needs doing/saying that only you can do/say - no one else - and if that thing is not done/said the world will be a worse place for it? What do you think yours is? In Christian circles you may hear people describing this as "God's calling on your life" or something along those lines. Some of us may call it our reason for living, or our purpose for being. We can often see it as JUST one thing, and when that thing is done/said, we can peacefully slip away into nothingne...