The Way of Faith
"This pump is in working order. I put a new sucker washer into it and it ought to last five years. But the washer dries out and the pump has got to be primed. Under the white rock I buried a bottle of water, out of the sun and cork end up. There's enough water in it to prime the pump, but not if you drink some first. Pour about one-fourth and let her soak to wet the leather. Then pour in the rest medium fast and pump like crazy. You'll get water. The well has never run dry. Have faith. When you get watered up, fill the bottle and put it back like you found it for the next feller. (signed) Desert Pete. P.S. Don't go drinking the water first. Prime the pump with it and you'll get all the water you can hold."
I wonder how many of us would be tempted to drink a sip of water first. You know... just in case... And then, in how much trouble would we have been if we chose to drink first. You know... just in case... It seems counterintuitive to pour perfectly good drinking water down a hole in the middle of the desert in order to get water, no matter what is promised if the instructions are followed faithfully.
But the way of faith seldom makes sense. I'm sure the ten spies (Numbers 13) would have looked at Joshua and Caleb oddly as they told Moses to take the land God promised them. I'm sure the men Gideon sent home (Judges 7) must have wondered what he was thinking taking on an army with only 300 men. I'm sure Orpah would have wondered why Ruth was staying with Naomi when it didn't make sense (Ruth 1). I'm sure Hannah's family and friends would have wondered why she dedicated Samuel at the temple, then left him there after begging God for a child for so long (1 Samuel 1). I'm sure Nebuchadnezzar would have thought that he'll be rid of Daniel's friends after they disobeyed his orders and sent them to a blazing furnace (Daniel 3). I'm sure Joseph must have thought Mary was bonkers when she first told him she was pregnant with God's Son (Matthew 1). I'm sure the disciples and temple goers would have wondered how a poor widow can give all she has and keep nothing for herself (Luke 21). I'm sure the eleven disciples would have encouraged Peter to stay in the boat when Jesus told him to get out (Matthew 14). I'm sure Ananias would have thought twice (or three times...) before going to pray for the man (Saul) persecuting him and his friends (Acts 9).
I'm also sure that you can think of more examples of incredible faith that makes no sense until God comes through. Maybe you know someone personally who has chosen the way of faith above the way of comfort, or the way of pride, or the way that makes sense.
I really don't want you to start making decisions by choosing the option that makes the least amount of sense. That's not what it's all about. The idea is not to make as little sense as possible. That's missing the point of faith completely. Sometimes God calls us to do things that makes perfect sense! Amazing! But how will you know which is which?
I would encourage you to walk with God and follow Him where He leads. WHETHER IT MAKES SENSE OR NOT. Reference Proverbs 3:5-6. And the only way to do that is to follow Him closely, daily, and courageously. He will never lead us anywhere He is not willing to go first and go alongside us. God honours faith more than making (or not making) sense. Read the rest of the stories I mentioned above. You'll see.
So, may our next steps be faith-filled and Spirit led, to the glory of God, whether it makes sense at the time or not. And if that is hard, know that you are in good company. And may the peace of Christ rule in your hearts (Colossians 3:15).
Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash
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