Officially Unemployed

It's a scary thing to be officially unemployed for the first time in a very long time. I'm not changing jobs, I'm changing careers, and as such am now in a waiting time before I start retraining. And there is always an element of risk to doing this. Questions frequently come to mind: Are you insane to do it at this age? Are you sure you want to do this? What about your family? What if you fail? What if you go down this road and you realise halfway through that it's the wrong path? Where will you get the money from? What if...? What about...? Who do you think you are to change anything? I am aware that I am not the first person to go through this, and I am certainly not the only person facing these questions at this very moment. It seems that one of the consequences of a global pandemic is that people re-evaluate their lives and priorities (rightly or wrongly...) and that changes inevitably occur as a result. It seems that change (whether we choose it or not) is, ironic...